17. Artist and graphic designer. You can contact me at: jacob.danielsf@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Typography Notes [10/9/13]

Aka: fonts, type, typeface

“Fonts are the clothing that our ideas wear.”

Legibility: choose classical time-tested typefaces.
  • San Serif fonts are used for headlines.
  • Never use Comic Sans.
  • Serif reads best at smaller sizes (it has curls at the edges), whereas sans serif has flat edges.
  • Too many fonts confuse the reader and spoil the design.
  • Fonts that are too similar cause ambiguity.
  • Font choices should have some contrast to each other, because they are used for emphasis.
  • Readability: use upper and lower case letters for optimum clarity. All capital letters are difficulty to shouting, and is the equivalent of shouting.
  • Left alignment reads easiest, consider eye flow as it moves down a page.
  • Pay attention to the rag (ragged edge) of your text. (Not a good rag) ----->
  • Use italics, bold, size, color, and typestyle change with discretion and without disturbing eye flow. Explore font changing last.
  • Avoid stretching or distorting type, preserve its integrity. Use the shift key to scale text.
  • Strive for a sense of balance. Text can hold its own weight this way. Balance can be symmetrical or asymmetrical on a page.

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